A #1 New York Times bestseller and the eagerly anticipated sequel to the Pulitzer Prize-winning Angela's Ashes, this masterpiece from Frank McCourt tells of his American journey from impoverished immigrant to brilliant teacher and raconteur. Frank...
The #1 New York Times bestselling sequel to the beloved Pulitzer Prize-winning classic memoir, Angela's Ashes, about McCourt's coming of age as an immigrant in America. Frank McCourt's glorious childhood memoir, Angela's Ashes, has been loved...
The Spanish edition of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Tis is the story of Frank McCourt's American journey from impoverished immigrant with rotten teeth, infected eyes, and no formal education to brilliant raconteur and schoolteacher. Tis...
A #1 New York Times bestseller and the eagerly anticipated sequel to the Pulitzer Prize-winning Angela's Ashes, this masterpiece from Frank McCourt tells of his American journey from impoverished immigrant to brilliant teacher and raconteur. Frank...
A #1 New York Times bestseller and the eagerly anticipated sequel to the Pulitzer Prize-winning Angela's Ashes, this masterpiece from Frank McCourt tells of his American journey from impoverished immigrant to brilliant teacher and raconteur. Frank...
Frank McCourt's glorious childhood memoir, Angela's Ashes, has been loved and celebrated by readers everywhere for its spirit, its wit and its profound humanity. A tale of redemption, in which storytelling itself is the source of salvation, it won the National Book Critics...