Unlike other Binchy novels, this book is set in the 1980s and 1990s: Binchy herself comments that she was beginning to feel that her fifties and sixties settings were getting too dated. She makes a very good job of the transition: there is a real contemporary feel to this book. I grew up in Dublin in the period in question: I know!The characters, like other Binchy novels, are very well developed. Binchy has a real sense...
"Tara Road" is one of the most enjoyable book I have read. It is the story of the inner growth of two women: Ria & Maryline. Ria is an Irish woman who lives in Tara Road (a residential area in Dublin) with her husband,Danny, and two children. Their marriage is very happy until she discovers that he's going to have a baby with his new teenager girlfriend. Maryline is an American woman who wants to escape from her house...
I just finished this book last night and loved it. I loved the relationships, they felt very real to me, not sugar-coated. I could not put this book down and am sad that it is over.
I am still reading this book and enjoy it more every time I turn a page. Her characters seem true to life and not the "make believe" people in so many modern books. The fact that she can make you feel a part of her books is, to my way of thinking, the mark of a truly good writer. I have read every book she has written and consider her right up there with Rosamunde Pilcher -- another of my favorites.
I've been a Maeve Binchy fan since she wrote Circle of Friends, but she has, admittedly, been a little too romantic for my taste on some rare occasions...but THIS is an excellently written book. I don't want to go into detail, but trust me--it'll keep you enthralled. Maeve has a way of twisting her stories to the degree in which even the reader is perplexed (who WAS in the summer house with Rosemary when Annie stumbled...