Thulia: A Tale of the Antarctic is a novel written by James Croxall Palmer and published in 1843. The story is set in the icy wilderness of Antarctica, where a group of explorers embark on a perilous journey to uncover the mysteries of the frozen continent. The main character,...
Thulia: A Tale of the Antarctic is a novel written by James Croxall Palmer and published in 1843. The story is set in the icy and treacherous terrain of the Antarctic and follows the adventures of a group of explorers who set out to discover new lands and resources. The main...
Title: Thulia: a tale of the Antarctic. Author: James Croxall Palmer Publisher: Gale, Sabin Americana Description: Based on Joseph Sabin's famed bibliography, Bibliotheca Americana, Sabin Americana, 1500--1926 contains a collection of books, pamphlets, serials and other works...
Thulia: A Tale of the Antarctic is a novel written by James Croxall Palmer and first published in 1843. The story follows the adventures of a group of explorers who set out on a voyage to the Antarctic in search of new discoveries and scientific knowledge. The protagonist of...