Our five year old son is autistic with low verbal skills. He will sit and read this book with us over and over again. He loves to recite the numbers and enthusiastically reads the text. This is a great book for learning to count.
My first-grader loves this book! He had read Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom in kindergarten, so it was nice to find a book one step up in sophistication, which Chicka, Chicka, 1, 2, 3 is. The sequel has a more developed plot and has a lovely and sad repeating line.. Chicka, Chicka, 1, 2, 3, wil there be a place for me? from little zero. But in the end, zero is the hero as he saves the day from the "Buzzing close, bumble bees!"...
i luvd this buk. it was a gud buk. by this buk!i woodnt let momy put it doun or tak a breth. I wantd tu no wat hapend. it was fun tu reed and now i can cownt to one hundrd! Hi, this is my youngest daughter's review. She loved this book. I'll try to decipher what she wrote, so it is understandable "I loved this book. It was a good book. Buy this book! I wouldn't let mommy put it down or take a breath (how true). I wanted...
Every kindergarten teacher must have this book! We will all need a chicka, chicka apple tree in our classrooms (to accompany our Chicka, Chicka coconut trees.) In the same style as Chicka, Chicka Boom, Boom, this book features the numbers climbing an apple tree. 1-20 climb, and then counting by 10's until 100 is at the top of the apple tree! Enjoy sharing this with your class!