First published in 1951, this book is further proof that Archbishop Fulton Sheen, like Pope Paul VI, was a modern-day prophet. I hesitate to call it easy reading, largely because every other sentence is quotable and so packed with meaning that you really need to sit with each thought for a time and let it sink in. Sheen's insights are extraordinary and very timely, perhaps even moreso than in his own day. Although I agree...
In this book, Sheen at one point states that the true test of whether one really knows a topic is whether one can explain it clearly and simply. If this is true, then Sheen really knows about Love, and the God Who Is Love. While on the surface this book is about Christian marriage, it ought to be required reading for all Christians. As Sheen explains, there is no love without God, for God is love; just as one cannot explain...
This is a great preperation for someone who is engaged or is already married. I would also recomend this for people who help with marrieage preperation in thier churchs. Just a great sold theological book on marriage!
Three to Get Married is a wonderful, engaging, and exciting book. In it, Archbishop Sheen persuasively lays out his argument for the Catholic view of marriage. His writings are timeless, and Three to Get Married is indispensible and divinely inspired wisdom for those contemplating marriage, those engaged to be married, or thos already married. You can read this book over and over, as I have, and learn something new everytime...
This book is amazing! It is similar in thought to the "Theology of the Body" and "Love and Responsibility" by Pope John Paul 2, yet more personable and easier to understand. Fulton Sheen is an incredible author! Every sentence in the book is so thought-provoking it should be a famous quote! The book delves deep (yes, this book IS deep! You could get something new from it every time you read it) into the mystery of love, explaining...