The Eastern mind reveres its elders. An important point. "Three Samurai Cats: A Story from Japan" retold by Eric A. Kimmel and illustrated by Mordicai Gerstein emphasizes this point. A rat walks into a dog's castle and basically assumes control. The dog daimyo goes to a distant shrine where samurai cats are known far and wide for their skills. He asks the docho to send his best warrior to defeat the rat. A samurai of flash...
This is truly a great story, and the illustrations are wonderful as well. It teaches kids a valuable lesson.
We have read many, many childrens' books with our three children and this remains one of our favorites. It's exotic and funny, fun for girls and boys and has a nice lesson.
"There was once a daimyo, a powerful lord, whose castle was occupied by a savage rat," begins Three Samurai Cats. The daimyo seeks help from a distant shrine that is famous for its fighting cats who are tough, skilled fighters. Eric Kimmel's adaptation of a Zen story is a strange and entertaining tale where the wisest cat allows his enemy to defeat himself. Karen Woodworth-Roman, Librarian
Three Samurai Cats: A Story From Japan is a folktale from Japan retold for young readers by Eric A. Kimmel and impressively illustrated by Mordicai Gerstein. After a rat takes over his castle, a canine lord knows that he needs the help of a samurai cat. The first one arrives, draws his sword, charges the rat -- and is soundly defeated. The next samurai cat arrives in full armor -- but is also defeated. Then an old, toothless,...