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Behavioral Sciences Cognitive Psychology Emotions Happiness Health, Fitness & Dieting Health, Fitness & Dieting Mental Health Mood Disorders Parenting & Relationships Personal Transformation Psychology Psychology & Counseling Psychotherapy, TA & NLP Science & Math Self Help Self-Help Self-Help & Psychology Stress ManagementI am on my third workbook. The first fell apart I used it with clients so much. The second was cast by the wayside when the third edition came out because of the amazing new chapter on mindfulness. It is full of cognitive balancing skills and coping methods. One can use it alone or with a therapist. I have seen it heal anger, depression, anxiety and even help with self-esteem.
A while back, I was doing extensive research before writing up a discussion on the use of cognitive behavioral therapy. I went to the original texts by Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck, and they were great for theoretical info, but this book was THE BEST for simple, easy to understand discussion of how to use the principles and techniques of cognitive behavioral therapies to help control anxiety, depression, self esteem, moods...
I began using this book in conjunction with a therapist and did quite well. When my therapy ended, I bought my own copy, since one can use this book alone, as well. Simple and clearly understandable, I found the book an immense help.While for some problems the authors do NOT recommend using the book without a trained therapist, for many with more easily treated problems it is a wonderful program of self-help. I used the...
Last year, I was going through a very stressful time in completing business school. After two years of 20 unit semesters, I HIT THE WALL. I couldn't stay awake, I couldn't sleep, I was drinking, smoking, and could barely drive a car. Get the picture?So I phoned for a therapist referal that would consult me by phone. After one call, the therapist sent me a package with this book. All I had to do was read a chapter,...