Do you know the biggest mistake seniors make when downsizing their lives? 'Thoreau's Downsizing Planner for Seniors' will help make sure you avoid the mistakes that cost seniors time, possessions, and money, and cause heartache.
The biggest mistake seniors make when downsizing is a lack of organization. Items can get lost or damaged, important documents and records are often misplaced, bills can go unpaid, mail not received, and an overall sense of confusion can add to the stress of moving.
Moving is considered a high-stress life event: This relocation for seniors can be mixed with uncertainty, loneliness, possible illness, and a loss of independence. Due to the many additional decisions to be made for many seniors, downsizing can be more complex than just moving. Whether you or loved ones are moving across town or across the country you will likely be:
Tackling major living decisions. Dealing with belongings; sorting through decades of family history, organizing, selling, giving way and discarding possessions. Hiring a moving company. Packing and unpacking. Organizing and cleaning. Selling, donating, and discarding items. Shutting off and turning on utilities. Stopping services and starting services. Changing addresses and notifying everyone. Gathering, organizing and keeping important documents and records.
And with a myriad of other tasks all on a schedule, this is a formidable challenge for anyone and even paralyzing for many people.
Thoreau's Downsizing Planner for Seniors is designed to help seniors, empty nesters, children or relatives of seniors, and caregivers make this move easier through guiding information, organization and planning. If you are a caregiver or adult child helping your parent downsize, use this planner to help you be supportive, assist with choices, and have an efficient plan.There are easy to use lists and worksheets for:
How to get all your documents and records in order . What to do with vehicles. How to downsize your wardrobe and still have all the clothes you need. How to downsize your belongings and what to do with each item. How and where to donate items. How to dispose of any household hazardous waste. Every one you need to notify of an address change. The list of things you need to shut off or transfer when you move.And there are inspirational quotes by Henry David Thoreau throughout the book.
This is a big 8-1/2 by 11 inches book with 220 pages There are LARGE PRINT worksheets, checklists, and easy fill forms designed for each step of your transition. Keep this planner with you from now and throughout your move and then as a collection of records if ever needed. Complete the to-do lists, calendars/timelines, 'notes to self', and anything you might forget.
Get your copy of 'Thoreau's Downsizing Planner for Seniors' now or send one to someone that will be downsizing.
Organize your downsize
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