""There Go The Ships"" is a historical novel written by Robert Carse. The book is set in the early 20th century and tells the story of a young man named Johnnie who dreams of becoming a sailor. Johnnie's father is a successful businessman who disapproves of his son's desire to...
""There Go The Ships"" is a historical novel by Robert Carse that tells the story of a young man named David who sets out to sea as a cabin boy in the mid-19th century. Through David's eyes, readers are transported to a world of adventure, danger, and excitement as he navigates...
""There Go The Ships"" is a historical novel written by Robert Carse. The book is set in the 18th century and follows the story of a young sailor named Jack who sets out on a journey to explore the world and make his fortune. Jack is a skilled sailor who is eager to prove himself...