"There are Men Too Gentle to Live Among Wolves" A wonderful book of poetry written by a man, and directed in many ways to men, reminding us how important it is to "care" in a world that is often indifferent and accepting of the status quo. I go back and read it from time-to-time, when I sense I'm getting just a little too comfortable with myself. Many thanks to James Kavanaugh.
My wayward child at age 13 gave this book to me for a Christmas present. I then knew who he was and is for the first time. As he has matured into adulthood 20 years later, this book is still one of his favorites and mine, too. There are many of us in the world who are too gentle to live among the wolves.
i was drawn to this book, for an unknown reason....i picked it up, and bought it for 50 cents at a thrift shop. i did't read it right away... i saved it....and then the day came, i was real down; i read this book, and realized that it soounded like every single word that had been running through my mind....put together in a beautiful masterpiece, that i couldn't have said better. it helped me get through the day, so i...