I read this book for a college class and I wanted to talk about 5 servant leadership principles learned from this book. Leadership development and character development are one. “Leadership is the choice one makes because it is the right thing to do, regardless of the return that may or may not come one's way as a result” (Hunter, 2004, p. 68). Leaders cannot separate themselves from their character. When growing as a leader...
This is an excellent book for looking at things in a different light and realizing you do have more control on the outcomes of almost all situations. The book suppports the belief that people can change if they want to. A good book for business as well as everyday living.
I am an avid reader of leadership books; this one is at the top of my list! James Hunter does a wonderful job at laying out the principles of true leadership, Servant Leadership. He will tell you (I have attended one of his workshops too) that these are all things we know and have been taught and caught for centuries, he just puts it all together. The way Jim puts it together is great and really hits to the core if you apply...
James Hunter has produced a well written, to the point book on what it means to be a REAL leader. I would also recommend "Launching A Leadership Revolution" by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward. The combination of these two books is everything you need to become the leader you should be.
i have read many leadership books. this is one of the best if you subscribe to the servant leadership principles. well explained. good examples. given to me as a gift and now i have bought a number of copies to give to my employees