If this book had been available when I was nine years old, it would have been my favorite book after the Little House series. Or, maybe not; I had a slightly heftier fact-based book in those days and was a bit put off by how the real life photos of the Ingalls family differed from the softer Garth Williams illustrations, to say nothing of the information that was left out of the books. All in all, though, the 10-year-old me...
The World of Little House is an excellent book about the history of the "Pioneer Girl", Laura Ingalls Wilder. Deborah Maze and Garth Williams did a wonderful job of illustrating the book with beautiful pictures. This book includes "How to Make Projects" such as Laura and Mary's Nine-Patch Quilt Squares along with "How to Make Recipes" such as Molasses-on-Snow Candy. Besides telling about Laura's life, the book includes...
You MUST have this book if you like Little House even a little bit! It's great! I couldn't put it down either. I looked at every page and was amazed. I found out things I never knew. You must have this book!
This is one of the most most lovel books my mother and I have shared together. It brought back such great memories of my childhood reading the little house books. The illustrations complement the simple activities and delicious recipes beautifully. It brings a spoonful of peace and tranquility to the hectic world many live in today
This is one of the first books that shows each and every house that Laura Ingalls Wilder ever lived in. From the Little House in the Big Woods of Wisconson, to the farmhouse on Rocky Ridge this book has everything you'd ever want to know about Laura Ingalls Wilder!!