Given the rapidly changing cultural climate, it can be surprising to learn of the dominant position that conservative Protestantism held within the culture a century ago. By dominance I do not mean merely a position of influence within a political party as the "religious right" holds within the GOP today but the acceptance by Americans in general of the faith and morals embodied within Protestantism as foundational principles...
Charles Wesley, brother to John, the founder of Methodism, wrote the words to this song in 1750; Charles Wesley wrote many hymns, the most well-known one being "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" which is sung every Easter in churches of various Protestant denominations. The lyrics are based on Leviticus 25:8-17 where G-d dictates to the levitical priests through Moses how the jubilee should be observed. The jubilee year, the...
How does one cover the history of Prostestants in America in but 133 pages?Read how Noll pulls this off admirably in this fine text. He sweeps through using main emphases and figures that moved the history along.His focus is fair from this reviewer's perspective, treating all areas with enthusiasm and interest as they play out their role in this unfolding history.This is done in four main timeframes: 1607-1789, 1790-1865,...