buy all three in this series and settle down to pure enjoyment.
While it lacks the originality of the first volume and the emotional intensity of the third, this second volume in Galeano's "Memory of Fire" trilogy is still extraordinary, essential reading for anyone who wishes to better understand the Western Hemisphere. (That should be everyone, right?)
This second volume leaves off where Galeano's "Genesis" left continues in the same style with history breathing just as fresh as today's headlines...the struggle and minglings of many worlds come together clashing for better or for worse in the Americas, producing something entirely new...countries are born, with bloodshed and lust... I recommend this book on Latino history because it tells history passionately...
No matter how massive our TBR stacks get, we're always finding new books we want to stack on! Here are 24 exciting September releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
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