My son (9) rarely gets pulled in, or sticks with books he tries out. We got this yesterday, and he finished it in less than 24 hours. He was so hooked, he kept telling me about it, and reading passages to me. We're going to order the second one!
My students are enjoying the beauty of a robot befriending wild animals on a deserted island. Highly recommend.
This is a beautifully written story of love, bravery and respect for all life. It is a heartfelt story of forgiveness and acceptance. So many wonderful messages in this story. My children loved reading this each night. We ended up reading the sequel to it (The wild robot returns) right after.
Peter Brown had a question that burned in his mind for years, what would happen if a robot was out in the natural world? The answer is a lot of cuteness but with truth. Roz is the main character who is a learning robot that crashes onto an island. Roz has to learn how to survive, speak with the animals, and the animals have to trust Roz. Together the robot and the animals help each other survive and become friends. There are...
When it comes to adapting books for the screen, we almost always feel that the book is better. But we still love seeing our favorite stories in action, especially if the result enhances our experience of the book. Here are our favorite (and least favorite) book-to-screen experiences of 2024 so far.
It's always fun to see how good books get adapted for the screen. But sometimes, this happens before we've had the chance to read the source material. Or maybe we just want to reread the book before we watch. Here are fourteen of the books behind the buzziest book-to-screen adaptations.
ThriftBooks, through our ThriftBooks Cares program, has always prioritized donating books into communities across the country. Today, Giving Tuesday, is a day where we more publicly share our community involvement and impact and allow all of our customers to be a part of it as well.
Thriftbooks enlisted OnePoll to survey 2,000 parents with school-age kids about the reading traditions they grew up with and how they are continuing them as parents. And what we learned turned into a pretty sweet story.