Simplistic storytelling on topic of child abuse and neglect. Not what I had hoped for based on the reviews that I read. My question is how in the world could a mother forget or not know that she had left her child in a closed vehicle on a scorching 105 degree day? If she had too much to do because she had too many kids maybe she needed to think about why she did have so many kids to begin with! This book was way over rated...
This author makes her books easy reads. Could not put the book down. Read it in one to two days.
I really enjoyed this - shows how in the blink of an eye your entire life can change!!
This book is intriguing and your always wondering what is gonna happen next. Some sad parts but those shed light to how grateful we should all be for the good moments in our lives! Excellent read! I highly recommend it!
This book starts out straight into action, it goes back and forth between two characters who have extremely painful situations going on. They eventually intertwine and it becomes more intense as things progress. This is an amazing story be ready for some heart wrenching plot twists.