This guide provides everything you need to prepare and lead small-group studies. The Way of Discernment provides:
Principles of personal and group discernmentDaily exercises to help you move from information to experienceWeekly meeting plans designed for group sharing and worshipPenetrating questions to aid the process of discernmentThe 10-week study focuses on the ancient spiritual discipline of discernment for individuals, congregations, or larger bodies of the church. In addition to a preparatory meeting, sessions include:
The Beckoning of DiscernmentThe Heart of DiscernmentFruit as TouchstonesCore Identity as TouchstoneGrowing in the GiftIn the Hard PlacesCommunal Discernment: BeginningsCommunal Discernment: Going FartherElements of Perpetual ChallengeThe All-Encompassing AudienceThe Leader's Guide contains step-by-step instructions for sessions and a list of materials needed for the weekly group meetings.