Very good book, it is about her life during the Little House on the Prairie and other movies. Excellent book for anyone to read, easy to read.
I loved this book -- it immerses you back in the world of Little House. I'm surprised by all the negative reviews. I actually thought Melissa did add a lot of her insights to her stories from the set. She definitely illuminated it as the creative, complex television series and set and crew that it was. If you love Little House, give it a try.
I've read a lot of these reviews and have to add my own after reading 'The Way I See It' all the way through. It's appropriately titled! It's Anderson's recollections of her work on Little House on the Prairie, the cast and crew, as well as other movies and shows she did. It's too bad so many people read this expecting something sensational and juicy. Anderson does a great job describing her life and memories. She's obviously...
This book is well worth reading. The pace moves along quickly, and it's very entertaining/engaging. I think a lot of the complaints here stem from people being used to reading ghost-written celebrity memoirs. It's obvious Melissa wrote this herself, with minimal interference -- and I say, good for her! That's what makes this book such a treasure. It's honest, not slick. This woman knows how to entertain her audience and does...