Young Chuan lives with his father in the beautiful palace of a powerful
Chinese warlord. As a reward for his cleverness in solving the warlord 1/2s
puzzle, Father is given the job of tallying the warlord 1/2s
treasure--brilliant jewels, rich brocades, and spices from a thousand
lands. Life at the palace is luxurious but filled with so many
interruptions Father often loses count The varying totals lead the
suspicious warlord to accuse him of stealing, and Father is about to lose
hope. Just in time, Chuan discovers a special use for the warlord 1/2s
lovely jade beads--a use that will help Father keep an accurate tally, and
cause the warlord to pronounce Chuan as clever as his Father.
Often used by teachers of the primary grades to illustrate the powerful
concept of "base ten," various types of counting frames appeared
in China during the Middle Ages. The Warlord 1/2s Beads is a
valuable tool for introducing young readers to the wonder of numbers as
well as the beauty and mystery of ancient China.