The Wal-Mart Revolution surprised me. I expected almost any book on Wal-Mart's meteoric rise to power to focus on the many negative aspects of the company's existence and the disruptions it has caused across society. I must also admit that I started reading the book with preconceived notions about Wal-Mart and its practices, many of which have since dissolved or at least shifted. The authors (Richard Vedder and Wendell...
I received the book fairly quickly. I was new and looked great1
If you favor truth and empirical observation regarding Wal-Mart rather than the hyperbolic PR of green advoacates and union web sites this is required reading. It is excellently documented and the authors have no particular axe to grind since they are not affliated with Wal-Mart in any way.
One of the worst aspects of politics is that the issues politicians use are too often used to commit people one way or the other based on emotions rather than reason or a set of facts. In recent years, with the advent of very accurate polling, politicians and those dependent on them for government largesse have found it convenient to pick out a "bad guy" (the "bad guy" only has to be someone they can smear, not someone who...
The title of this book rather obviously mocks Leftist talk about revolutions but it is pretty accurate nonetheless. One of the authors is an economist so he brings to the subject the sort of cool rationality that is sadly missing from the standard Leftist boilerplate about Wal-Mart. The book gives you in detail all the facts you need to dismiss every single one of the Leftist criticisms. I liked the following paragraphs:...