The Groundbreaking Guide Every Woman Needs With The V Book , women will learn everything they need to know about the basics of vulvovaginal--or "V"-health, an essential yet often overlooked area of women's health. Dr. Elizabeth G. Stewart, the nation's foremost expert in vulvovaginal care and sexual-pain disorders, answers the questions about the all too common "V" ailments that women are embarrassed to discuss even with their doctors. Drawing upon...
After 13 visits in 2 years to the Ob/Gyn and thinking I had yeast infections that couldn't be cured, this book was recommended to me by a PA OB/GYN friend. Wow, what a differnce this made. Well, needless to say I found out I don't have a problem with yeast and I was able to find a doctor to help me with a very solvable problem. Reading the V book educated me so that I knew what questions to ask and what information to have...
Ladies, this book is excellent reading for every one of us. Written by a doctor who is not only a gynecologist but also that rare breed, the vulvovaginal specialist, it is -- as another reviewer suggested -- the owner's manual for everyone with a vulva, vestibule, and vagina. If you're not sure exactly what I mean by those last three terms, you need to find out, and Dr. Elizabeth Stewart -- the author of this book -- is...
After two months of agony and several incorrect diagnoses, I was correctly diagnosed with a "V" disorder and referred to the medical library in our town to look up my condition. They gave me this book, and at last, I understand what I have been going through and why. I am buying a copy of this book for myself and for each of my daughters-in-law. Every female should own this book--no woman should suffer in silence or be ashamed...
Very engrossing, thorough book, I was compelled to read it all the way through, fascinated. It is very well written. As a person who has dealt with V pain for 6 years, I was happy to read Elizabeth's details about the neurological connection (p. 299), a conclusion I came to (less scientifically) after successful photonic treatment (Bales Scientific) calmed my V nerves non-invasively. The Low Oxalate diet never did a thing...
As a nurse practitioner who specializes in women's health, I was very excited to see this book. So many problems that I see in my daily practice are addressed in this book, along with very practical suggestions for preventing them. It should be required reading for every woman in her twenties to learn what to and not to do in terms of routine maintenance of her "private parts". This book also addresses common and...