"One thing was certain: someone had declared open season on Elliot Ness, and it was a damned uncomfortable feeling."-Elliot Ness The sale or consumption of alcohol was not really the problem. The Sicilian mafia landed on American shores sometime around 1899. One of their most notorious progeny was "Scarface" Al Capone with whom Elliot Ness did battle from 1929-1931. Elliot Ness had nearly finished this true story before...
This book is one of the few accounts we have of the '20s gangster era. The book recounts Eliot Ness's experiences as the leader of a team of nine men who were assigned the job of cutting off Al Capone's main sourse of income-illgeal booze. Ness and his team were part of a two pronged attact to get Capone. While agent Frank Wilson gathered evidence to convict Capone of tax evaison, Ness and his team raided stills and breweries...
Some have complained that this book is fiction. I am ashamed of the people who said that Eliot Ness was an old drunk who captured a few beer stills. They obviously didn't read the book. Eliot Ness told sportswriter Oscar Fraley that he didn't want any fiction but Fraley convinced Ness that fiction was needed. This describes the life of Eliot Ness in Chicago. One must look at this through an eye of skeptiscm. But this...
CHICAGO, 1929: A multi-million-dollar ring of vice, gambling and liquor, ruled by a scar-faced Mafia overlord named AI Capone. Pay-offs, mass murder, and the "kiss of death" were the daily routine-despite 3,000 police and 300 Federal agents. Then a 26-year-old agent, Eliot Ness, began a private war against the most notorious criminal genius who ever lived. This is the thrilling true story of how he did it, with a small group...
I loved this book so much, I couldn't put it down and finished it in one afternoon. It's an exciting walk through the events and police actions during the Prohibition. The elect group of men, given the title and later widely known as the "Untouchables" wouldn't be bribed, bought, or stopped until Al Capone went down. Although many dangers surrounded them, they were persistent in their fight to see Chicago clean of illegal...