It's our responsibility to raise strong, positive, confident children. The truth is, sometimes we come to a roadblock, where we've tried everything we know and yield no encouraging results.
The saying, "It takes a village to raise a child" is indeed true. Sometimes we need help. To pull from another parent's depository and apply to our own. That is why Jessica Palmer created these helpful, navigational guides to cultivating positive and confident kids.
If you have been struggling with improving your child's behaviors toward life or building their self-esteem, then this 2-in-1 bundle is for you.
With over twenty-two years of parenting experience, Jessica Palmer knows firsthand how difficult it is to nurture ambitious, confident, positive children. With profound understanding and shrewd advice, she has helped countless parents save their children by reconstructing their behaviors and outlook on life.
Book One, The Positive Child will guide you to effectively transforming not just your relationship with your child, but also their view on what makes a great, positive life and a happy, healthy home. Some of the areas explored are:
Becoming your child's best exampleRespecting your child's space and life decisionsEmpowering instead of shamingEncouraging creativity and independent definitionsTeaching emotional intelligenceSetting high expectationsPracticing family ritualsBuilding meaningful relationshipsBook Two, The Confident Child, will steer you to eradicating self-doubt, low self-esteem, and anxiety from your child's life while building inner strength, self-confidence, and assurance. Some of the paths taken to achieving these goals are:
Improving your own confidenceResisting comparisonTry new things/Develop new skillsOvercoming fear of failureExpressing their feelingsSurrounding them with positive, confident peopleTreating mistakes as building blocks for learningOff the internet and into the real worldNip over-praising in the budThe adults our children grow up to become relies heavily on how much we invest into grooming them as children. It starts with us. Our children are our contribution to the future. Take action now and start constructing aspiring, independent-thinking, virtuous, assertive, ethical, obstacle-shattering children who will make you proud.
This exceptional, wisdom-spilling bundle will facilitate you with everything you need to get started.
Now, let's get to work.
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