This work documents specific instances of how people get intochronic pain cycles and the actions required to manage these conditions over the long term. There are many importantinterviews with both patients and physicians which documenttypical experiences and valuable corrective steps to combatpain on an ongoing basis. This work would be a valuableaddition to any personal medical library.
I wish every doctor, psychiatrist and psychologist would read this amazing work. It should be a required text for medical school students. It is a painfully honest account of the medical profession and society's view of the chronic pain patient. Arthur and Isodore seem to have entered my mind and viewed the world as I see it.
Insightful, Inspiring, Important. Whether or not you suffer from chronic pain, this book is a must read and it is truly accessible to a very wide audience. As we don't yet have a cure to offer those who suffer, understanding the pain will have to do. Mr. Rosenfeld's book is the ultimate handbook for this daunting task. After dividing the book into 3 parts, patients (that's me), caregivers and thinkers, it was amazing to...
"The Truth About..." makes clear how many live in pain and just how pervasive the matter is. In short, Rosenfeld's work clearly and concisely explains the issues while demystifying a series of complex problems.While there are many philosophical and religious dimensions involved, it's equally amazing to hear how so many personal and divergent points of view all lead to the same bottom line: that none of us should ever have...
I found the book incredibly insighful and inspiring. The interview format revealed thoughful answers to provacative questions. I feel better informed and now better prepared to approach the topic with my caregiver in order to find an answer to my own chronic pain. I highly reccomend this book to everyone...pain sufferer or not. The ideas and insight and personal stories are mind expanding and important!