"The Trumpeter of Krakow," by Eric P. Kelly, is historical fiction set in Poland in the early 1460s. A family flees their estate in the Ukraine, then part of Poland, after being attacked by Tartars and takes refuge in Krakow. The Charnetski family is followed to Krakow as a bandit believes they hold a valuable treasure. The father, Pan Andrew, takes up employment as a trumpeter at the church that is known for its trumpeter...
I read this book in sixth grade, and though I am now twenty-six years old, it is still, in my opinion, one of the best books I have ever read. Anyone familiar with the history of Edward Kelly, partner of the Elizabethan necromancer John Dee, will enjoy this book in extra dimensions, as would anyone well acquainted with the apocalyptic imagery of Ezekiel. The settings have lost none of their stark horror or beauty on the...
In the 13th century (1241), a Polish boy was killed by the arrow of an invading Tartar from the East, silencing his trumpet a few notes short of completion of the "Heynal," the Hymn to Our Lady, as he stood on a little balcony of the Church of Our Lady Mary in Krakow, Poland. Ever since that event subsequent trumpeters have stopped at the same point in the Heynal as it is sounded four times on the hour, all day and night...
This book is really great.It is in the midevil times.The book is about this family who's house got burned down by the Tartars and the family came to Krakow,a city in Poland.The boy's name is Philip Charnetski and he finds the house for his mother and father and the wolf dog that he found,but he had some trouble on the way.His family had to change their names because they were being hunted for their pumpkin because it had...