This is, quite simply, the best book on time management and goal setting I have ever read. I've had my own dog-eared version for over 10 years, and whenever I feel as though life's getting a little out of control and I'm not achieving what I set out to (even on a daily basis), I refer to this and it puts me back on track.I am so convinced of the power of the tools provided by this book that it has become my favorite gift to...
This is one of the very best and easy to read personal development books. I view this as a classic in aligning your value system with your day-to-day activities to help you achieve success. Should be required reading for any person who struggles with life purpose and management of day-to-day tasks. Also, perfect for people who are looking to discover meaning for their life and how to make it much more rewarding.
It's interesting to look back at pop culture that withstands the test of time. It's time for our annual roundup series of books having a milestone birthday this year. By all accounts, 1925 was a banner year for literature! Here are ten of the titles turning one hundred that still have a place on our shelves.