Anyone who has worked in a corporation knows that an elephant is not just an animal with four legs and a trunk -- an elephant is an issue or problem standing in the middle of the room that everyone knows about but no one is willing to acknowledge or deal with. Elephants are "undiscussables" present in every organization. The size and depth of these "undiscussables" are proportional to the vitality of the organization. It's...
I love this book! Simple and powerful and ever so relevant. This is a must read for anyone involved in organizational or community change. You can create healing and remove the hidden agenda's that prevent you from moving ahead. Clear and powerful work with outstanding examples. A must read.
This is a super little book that will have a huge impact on you and your organization! By following the simple steps outlined in this book you will be able to discuss the undiscussables, identify the unidentifyable, and make progress collectively like you never dreamed was possible. Another very helpful tool for your leadership toolbox!
The authors examine the idea that major problems are often not 'discussable,' although they are talked about in a destructive manner, and remain implicit. The consultant should help surface these "elephants" in a constructive dialogue, and push forward to making decisions, determining what are the next steps, and following through. This practical book provides guidelines to show how to achieve organizational change by learning...
This book is right on target whether you are working with a company or with a non-for-profit. I found myself continually underlining relevant ideas. Hammond puts concepts we already know but tend to hide in the back of our minds in simple language that reminds us of how important it is to look at assumptions, accountability and involvement at all levels. She forces us to look at the consequences of speaking up vs not speaking...