Soon to be a Netflix series The iconic, "extraordinary" (The Washington Post) collaboration between bestselling authors Stephen King and Peter Straub--an epic thriller about a young boy's quest to save his mother's life. Jack Sawyer, twelve...
On a brisk autumn day, a thirteen-year-old boy stands on the shores of the gray Atlantic, near a silent amusement park and a fading ocean resort called the Alhambra. The past has driven Jack Sawyer here: his father is gone, his mother is dying, and the world no longer makes sense...
Soon to be a Netflix series The iconic, "extraordinary" (The Washington Post) collaboration between bestselling authors Stephen King and Peter Straub--an epic #1 New York Times bestselling fantasy thriller about a young boy's quest to save his mother's life....
To coincide with the publication of Stephen King and Peter Straub's extraordinary new thriller, BLACK HOUSE, here is the story that started it all. On a brisk autumn day, a twelve-year-old boy stands on the shores of the gray Atlantic, near a silent amusement park and a fading...