The Tale of Snowball Lamb By Arthur Scott Bailey
"The Tale of Snowball Lamb" by Arthur Scott Bailey is a delightful children's book that tells the story of Snowball, a young and curious lamb, and her adventures on the farm. Snowball Lamb is a fluffy and playful little lamb who loves to explore her surroundings. She spends her...
The Tale of Snowball Lamb by Arthur Scott Bailey is a delightful and engaging story from Bailey's popular Tuck-Me-In Tales series. This book features Snowball, a lively and curious lamb whose adventures and interactions with other farm animals offer both entertainment...
When Snowball comes to the farm, the other animals start to resent all the attention he gets from Farmer Green's son Johnnie . And maybe he lets it go to his head a little. Follow this charming tale with a gentle lesson about being different by Arthur Scott Bailey and illustrated...
"Hurrah!" Johnnie Green shouted. And he dashed out of the woodshed and ran to the barnyard as fast as he could scamper. There was a good reason for his high spirits and his haste. His father had just told him he might have a lamb for a pet. Farmer Green followed Johnnie at a...