The Summons is a novel written by Alfred Edward Woodley Mason and published in 1920. The story follows the life of a young man named Richard Austin, who receives a mysterious summons from his estranged father, a wealthy businessman. Richard sets out to meet his father, but upon...
The Summons is a novel written by Alfred Edward Woodley Mason and first published in 1920. The story revolves around the life of a young man named Richard Austin who receives a mysterious summons from his father who he has not seen in years. Richard's father is a wealthy and...
Alfred Edward Woodley Mason (1865-1948) wrote as A.E.W. Mason. During his long and productive career, he wrote many novels and short stories, ranging from mysteries and courtroom thrillers to the classic adventure novel, THE FOUR FEATHERS. His fiction is always taut, exciting,...
This mystery novel follows the story of Martin Hillyard, a British intelligence officer, who becomes embroiled in a complex web of espionage and intrigue. As he investigates a criminal conspiracy, he uncovers secrets that challenge both his personal and professional life...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he's currently stationed - in England, where he's grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do nothing with his life - and so he's requested a transfer to Cairo, Egypt. The Olympic Games are currently being held in...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he's currently stationed - in England, where he's grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do nothing with his life - and so he's requested a transfer to Cairo, Egypt. The Olympic Games are currently being held in...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he's currently stationed - in England, where he's grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do nothing with his life - and so he's requested a transfer to Cairo, Egypt. The Olympic Games are currently being held in...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he's currently stationed - in England, where he's grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do nothing with his life - and so he's requested a transfer to Cairo, Egypt. The Olympic Games are currently being held in...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he's currently stationed - in England, where he's grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do nothing with his life - and so he's requested a transfer to Cairo, Egypt. The Olympic Games are currently being held in...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he's currently stationed - in England, where he's grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do nothing with his life - and so he's requested a transfer to Cairo, Egypt. The Olympic Games are currently being held in...
Alfred Edward Woodley Mason (1865-1948) was an English author and politician. He is best remembered for his 1902 novel of courage and cowardice in wartime, The Four Feathers and is also known as the creator of Inspector Hanaud, a French detective who was an early template for...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he's currently stationed - in England, where he's grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do nothing with his life - and so he's requested a transfer to Cairo, Egypt. The Olympic Games are currently being held in...
Captain Harry Luttrell is a soldier who is not happy where he's currently stationed - in England, where he's grown fat with boredom and fears that he will do nothing with his life - and so he's requested a transfer to Cairo, Egypt. The Olympic Games are currently being held in...