How does salt go from the sea to flavoring your food? Workers pump seawater into ponds. Salt crystals form as the water dries up. See what happens step by step in the process of making salt.
How does salt go from the sea to flavoring your food? Workers pump seawater into ponds. Salt crystals form as the water dries up. See what happens step by step in the process of making salt.
La sal es un condimento muy usado para darle sabor a la comida. Pero c mo llega del mar a un salero? Mira lo que sucede paso a paso en el proceso de hacer sal. Salt is a popular seasoning for flavoring food. But how does it get from the sea to a salt shaker? See what...
La sal es un condimento muy usado para darle sabor a la comida. Pero c mo llega del mar a un salero? Mira lo que sucede paso a paso en el proceso de hacer sal. Salt is a popular seasoning for flavoring food. But how does it get from the sea to a salt shaker? See what...