I ordered this book based on the rating that it was in “ very good” condition. What I received was a hard bound book that must of been stored where moisture was able to damage it. The book does not lie flat and completely closed due to the moisture damage to the pages and the book itself. The rating should have read “fair”. I am very disappointed
This extraordinary biography is a true masterpiece. One of the greatest books of the 20th Century. Dr R. Chris Barden
My vote of many others who believe Helen Keller was Person of the Century. She was an incredible human being. Personified what should be the "Human Spirit".
In the introduction Robert Russell says, "Imagine yourself whisked out of your room and suddenly landed on some distant planet where there was other life--but landed with your eyes permanently closed, your ears sealed, and your tongue all but useless. How would you sense an approaching danger or an approaching friend? What would such a life be like? But perhaps such a catastrophe seems so impossible that it isn't worth thinking...