2nd Illustrated Edition with Author Afterward. (May 2024 Update). Ages 10-100. An inspiring love story for ourselves, each other and the world. Love and Truth come alive as poignant and compelling characters in this timeless wisdom tale that touches the heart and wakens the soul of the world echoed within each of us. Simply told, yet with layers of depth, it is one of those works that comes along every so often to remind us of who we mean to be and what matters most. A tribute to the saving powers of empathy, compassion and courage, The Story resonates profoundly in our world today, when Love may be the only thing that can save us from our divisive "truths."
Set in the "hinterlands" of time, the book opens with an Older and a Younger sitting under the Tree of All-Knowing, discussing matters of the world and the non-world. The Older invites the Younger to ask one question uppermost in mind and heart. So the Younger asks, "I would like to know which is greater--Love or Truth?" The Older smiled and answered with a story..."In the beginning, Love and Truth were two halves of a seemingly perfect pair. Together with their different ways, yet sameness of heart, they were able to be and do all things in service to whomever they encountered. 'It seemed they would spend all eternity together opening what was closed, filling what was empty, healing what was broken and making crooked things straight. Then one day, Truth got an independent notion...' A unique and inspiring gift for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations and gatherings--as well as book clubs, relationship counselors, storytime for spiritual and corporate retreats & discussion groups. REVIEWS...