I had just read Tower of Doom and was blown away by Mark Anthony's writing, his attention to detail, and his ability to make you feel the words on the page. Escape from Undermountain did not deliver what I came to expect. It wasn't as smooth flowing as I was used to. It was basically like reading a cartoon. It was still enjoyable. But not exactly the adventure I would expect from the title.
No words for this book. So awesome and addicting, I had to read it in 1 night. it cost me a late day to work the next though. very good book. well written and very exciting
This was one of the best Forgotten Realm books out there! A must-read for anyone interested in monsters, wizards, and heroes. It gives great detail on every character. I suggest every reader out there to pick this one up.
Book was well written...Story line flowed together...If you like any of the forgotten realms books, you ought to love this one.
Although I'm really a big fan of R.A. Salvatore's work, Mark Anthony really deserves a lot of praise for this book. The characters were some of the best that I've ever seen. Artek was great, and his bloodline made him that much more intresting. Beckla was also good, for she opened up a whole new perspective on mages. Even though Guss was introduced later in the story, his image of a good gargoyle was great. Muragh...