The Stars Shine Down is Sidney Sheldons twelfth and most passionate novel, set against the glamorous world of international business and featuring a complex and compelling heroine faced with a series of life-shattering decisions. Lara Cameron is young and beautiful...
A page-turning thriller of love and betrayal from the bestselling Master of Suspense and author of If Tomorrow Comes and The Other Side of Midnight. The novel tells the story of Lara Cameron, a successful real estate developer who came from a broken family in Nova Scotia...
In THE STARS SHINE DOWN, Sidney Sheldon returns to the powerful and classic themes that have made him one of the world's most popular bestselling authors. And in Lara Cameron, he has created his most memorable, richly drawn heroine to date. Lara is America's Princess, the power...
In THE STARS SHINE DOWN, Sidney Sheldon returns to the powerful and classic themes that have made him one of the world's most popular bestselling authors. And in Lara Cameron, he has created his most memorable, richly drawn heroine to date. Lara is America's Princess, the power...