Thanks so much for this book! My girls are going to really enjoy it.
I purchased this book for my youngest grandson. Andrew was in first grade and had discovered the library! The problem was he loved this book so much that he didn't want to turn it back in. My daughter in law got notes from the librarian that it was late. She searched out the book, put it in Andrew's backpack and firmly told him that he had to return it. Sure enough, days later she would again hear from the librarian...
This book is great for young minds learning about the great history of America. It reminded my son and I of the opportunities we have here because of the freedom we enjoy and that is due to the many brave soldiers who have fought over the years for that very purpose. Also, wonderful illustrations!!!
Peter Spier is one of my favorite illustrators of children's books. Here, his illustrations for three verses of Francis Scott Key's poem and song, "The Star-Spangled Banner," provide an excellent introduction for children to the meaning behind his famous lyrics.I usually read this aloud to primary classes around a patriotic holidays. This year, because of our late school year, I read it for Flag Day. Since the words and historical...
our four-year-old claims this is his FAVORITE book. Perhaps it is because his mother chokes up and tears drop to her cheeks as she reads this book. We have found that this is an excellent read-aloud and has stretched our four-year-old's language skills in many ways. As if The Star Spangled Banner weren't moving enough, the arrangement of pictures flows along with the words of the song to create an image of heroics and...