Five intergalactic criminal masterminds raid the tranquil world of Mount Pleasant, leaving behind only ruin and slaughter - and the orphaned child Kirth Gersen, who comes to manhood swearing to take bloody revenge. Now Gersen roams the galaxy, bringing vengeance to the Demon...
The Star King (Book 1 of 5 in Demon Princes series, Russian translation) "Revenge is not an ignoble motive, when it works to a productive end. Your work will be the destruction of evil men..." These words define Kirth Gersen's destiny. Gersen has but one purpose:...
Five intergalactic criminal masterminds raid the tranquil world of Mount Pleasant, leaving behind only ruin and slaughter--and the orphaned child Kirth Gersen, who comes to manhood swearing to take bloody revenge. Now Gersen roams the galaxy, bringing vengeance to the Demon...
In het jaar 1499 van de Oikoumene overvielen vijf aartscriminelen - de even excentrieke als dodelijke Duivelsprinsen - de stad Fraaibergen. Ze voerden de meeste inwoners in slavernij weg naar de wetteloze Zelfkant van de Melkweg; wie niet geschikt was, werd gedood. De jonge Kirth...