Here's the original short story that first introduced us to Slippery Jim diGriz, better known as the Stainless Steel Rat diGriz is charming, quick-witted, sophisticated, and a devious criminal mastermind. The Rat has just pulled off a successful and complex...
It's more than a little careless to lose a battleship, even in interstellar space. Enter Slippery Jim diGriz, better known as the Stainless Steel Rat, the fastest talking con-man in the galaxy. Jim will need to go undercover to find the missing battleship and make sure it...
It's more than a little careless to lose a battleship, even in interstellar space. Enter Slippery Jim diGriz, better known as the Stainless Steel Rat, the fastest talking con-man in the galaxy. Jim will need to go undercover to find the missing battleship and make sure it...