Part of the Ethshar series, The Spriggan Mirror follows the story of a magical mirror that allows its user to communicate with the elusive and dangerous spriggans. When the mirror goes missing, a group of wizards and adventurers must find it before the spriggans use it to...
Every wizard in Ethshar knew that if you needed something special, somethingdifficult to find, that Gresh the Supplier was the man to see. He was expensive, but always delivered. So when the Wizards' Guild finally got fed up with thelittle green nuisances that called themselves...
Part of the Ethshar series, The Spriggan Mirror follows the story of a magical mirror that allows its user to communicate with the elusive and dangerous spriggans. When the mirror goes missing, a group of wizards and adventurers must find it before the spriggans use it to...