A few magnificent excerpts from Veritatis Splendor (1993): In his magnificent encyclical on moral theology, Pope John Paul II reminded us that we are "Called to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ...and are made holy by `obedience to the truth' (1 Pet 1:22)." JP II certainly acknowledged that "This obedience is not always easy. As a result of that mysterious original sin,...man is constantly tempted to turn his gaze...
Everyone interested in Catholic ethics should carefully read Pope John Paul II's The Splendor of Truth--Veritatis Splendor (Boston: St. Paul Books & Media, 1993). This is one of several significant encyclicals issued by John Paul II, proving him to be a gifted theologian. In a thoroughly biblical way, he calls God's people to live "the life of holiness" (p. 129). Toward the end of the encyclical he sums up his message:...
In my opinion Veritatis Splendor is the finest of Pope John Paul's encyclicals. It is the best in terms of theological content as well as its ability to enrich one spiritually. This document addresses head on many of the abuses found in today's Catholic universities and seminaries; abuses ranging from a failure to recognize the Magisterium of Christ's Church to the preponderance of such philosophical schools as proportionalism,...
The combination of the 'Catechism' and The Spendor of Truth are, perhaps, the most necessary tools for any and all Catholic thinkers/scholars; as well as anyone interested in discovering the authentic teachings of the Church - minus the broad-stroked misinformation of the mass media.
Pope John Paul is a brillian writer who brings us an excellent summary of truth as it has been discerned over the last 2000 years of Christianity. This book is true to Scripture, the tradition of the early Church Fathers and Catholic Doctrine. It speaks strongly against modern tendencies to deny the concept of absolute truth found in moral relativism. This is a must reading for all who are seeking the truth revealed to...