Kristine Kathryn Rusch's novel Diving Into The Wreck spawned a universe so vast that one novel can't contain it. The Spires of Denon doesn't involve Boss or her crew. Instead, this powerful short novel follows Meklos Verr, hired to guard an archeological dig near the mysterious...
Kristine Kathryn Rusch's novel Diving into the Wreck spawned a universe so vast that one novel can't contain it. The Spires of Denon doesn't involve Boss or her crew. Instead, this powerful novella follows Meklos Verr, hired to guard an archeological dig near the mysterious...
Kristine Kathryn Rusch's novel Diving into the Wreck spawned a universe so vast that one novel can't contain it. The Spires of Denon doesn't involve Boss or her crew. Instead, this powerful novella follows Meklos Verr, hired to guard an archeological dig near the mysterious...