30th Anniversary Edition
That it was Christmas weekend made the prospects for snow all the more special.
A charm had settled over the city, where the everyday Scrooges were now nicer and the usual cacophony of city noises more harmonious, as if a symphony were playing. Even the honking horn of an impatient driver no longer irritated so much as added a metaphor, like a well-timed, clashing cymbal, to the Christmas music pealing from shops and shoppers' hearts. And so, though the day was as hectic as a houseful of grandchildren on Christmas morning, it was a day heartily embraced by everyone. Meanwhile, in the midst of all the bustle, one lone figure moved along patiently, oblivious to the crowd. Stopping, he pulled out his pocket watch, then, with a nod, clasped the watch shut and settled into a nearby seat. It was almost time. He had travelled a great distance to come to Richmond and now his mission for this Christmas was about to begin...