The Snow Goose is a simple, short written parable on the regenerative power of friendship and love, set against a backdrop of the horror of World War 2. It documents the growth of a friendship between Philip Rhayader, an artist living a solitary life in an abandoned lighthouse...
Philip Rhayader lives alone in an abandoned lighthouse on the desolate Great Marsh of Essex. One afternoon, a hauntingly beautiful child, Fritha, visits Rhayader, bringing with her an injured snow goose. At first Fritha is scared of Rhayader, with his sinister hump and crooked...
Classic storytelling from a bestselling author. Gallico's most famous story, THE SNOW GOOSE, is set in the wild, desolate Essex marshes and is an intense and moving tale about the relationship between a hunchback and a young girl. THE SMALL MIRACLE is a contemporary fable about...
This is the original version first published in 1940 in The Saturday Evening Post, later expanded into a longer version and published in book form in 1941.