This book improved my life in more ways than I can fit into this review. It can improve your life too. Author released new version, and claims ideas in this book are outdated. But his advice is truly timeless, and his plan really works.
This book is an excellent, yet dated, alternative to all of the "pro-12-Step" literature pervasing "addiction treatment" methodologies. The problem, is IT NEEDS A CURRENT EDITION! Much of the material was written when "Rational Recovery Systems" still advocated local support groups of it's brand (Rational Recovery not only no longer believes in this, but is ANTI-recovery group of ANY KIND!). If this book's content could be...
This book has done more to save my son, who has been a drug addict for the last 10 years, than all three of the rehab clinics and AA meetings combined. For the first time in years, he is actually thinking positive and feeling good about himself. He also encouraged me to read it too. It is a great book for anyone, whether you are an addict or not.
The comment above is not made lightly- I was a drunk for 25 years and made several attempts to quit, but could never understand why AA didn't work for me. Everything I ever read on alcoholism was AA oriented, and I thought the only way to quit was to spend the rest of my life in smoky church basements telling my problems to strangers. This book was the voice I'd been looking for, that let me know that there were other...
The BEST book I have come across in the subject of recovery from addictions. This is the best gift you can give yourself or others trying to break the habit. Also, check out Rational Recovery..The New Cure for Substance Addiction by Jack Trimpey.