Clive Cussler and Jack DuBrul have produced another riveting adventure in the Oregon series. For those of you who are new to this series, the Oregon appears to be a dilapidated freighter manned by a ragged looking crew when in reality it is a high tech and highly armed ship whose crew is known as the Corporation, and is led by Captain Juan Cabrillo, a former CIA field agent. He and the crew perform black ops for the CIA and...
Cussler just seems to get better and better as he goes along. I have read all of his books to date, most of them more than once, and am anxiously awaiting his new Isaac Bell book, "The Spy". I have yet to find one of his books I didn't enjoy thoroughly. My favorites are the Dirk Pitt and Kurt Austin books with the Oregon series a close second. So far the new Isaac Bell series is running neck and neck with the Oregon series...
This is the seventh installment of the Oregon Files series by Clive Cussler. The series started out as a spin off of characters created in one volume of the Dirk Pitt series, also by Cussler. The characters turned out to be a perfect base on which to launch another successful series of books. To date, I have enjoyed every installment of the Oregon Files series. And The Silent Sea is no exception. The story starts on a...
I read this one in one sitting. This adventure had a little less sea action then the other Corporation novels, but it was a great change up. The plot goes like this: Bad things happen, the US gov needs deniability, they send Juan and his capable crew, they solve problem-barely, with some close calls along the way. As simple as that is, this book never slowed down, kept me interested and even managed to get me a little emotionally...
In my opinion, the novels of the Oregon Files have emerged as the strongest Clive Cussler is currently cowriting. If you are a Cussler fan, you have to like the rough-and-tumble crew that comprises the Oregon. And you have to admire their chairman Juan Cabrillo, one of the few protagonists that I know of that makes it look easy, while sporting a titanium prosthetic leg. Kudos to Cussler for creating this character. We get...