THE SIGNATURE OF ALL THINGS by Elizabeth Gilbert I nearly gave up on this book. Then I got to chapter seven where things took a left turn. This is the sprawling saga of 19th century American botanist, Alma Whittaker’s, life. Alma’s story is beautifully written yet tedious and weirdly disturbing. There were moments when I felt as if I was reading a botanical textbook. I did learn quite a bit about mosses, so I guess there’s...
This author is a deep diver into details of relationships and accurate science of fungi. A page turner for me!
Completely engrossing! Loved every second of it.
I have seen character development as such. This entire novel (masterpiece) was so hauntingly human. I felt ever embarrassment, every elation. I am already mourning this book. Entirely unique.
The plot, story, character developments. The writing style is eloquent. I couldn’t put it down.