The Drama of Scripture provides a big-picture look at God's relationship to humanity as the creation and dream of God. The authors analogize the Biblical story to a 6 act play consisting of the following acts: Creation, Fall, God Chooses Israel, Coming of the King, Spreading the News (Church), The Return of the King. The theme running through the book is God's desire and commitment to his original creation idea and his willingness...
The Drama of Scripture" (213 p.) by Bartholomew and Goheen is an excellent read! I don't know much about Bartholomew but Michael Goheen did his dissertation on the missional ecclesiology of Lesslie Newbigin who is really the father of missional theology and has been very influential to many of the emerging church leaders. This book was designed for an intro course in Biblical Theology. The authors want the reader to become...
This book is excellent. The texts takes its reader through the story of Scripture as a large play full of characters and a director. Bartholomew and Goheen's perspectives on God at work with His people is very inspiring. I have gained many great insights from their theological perspectives but also I have gained a "bigger picture" of the story of God's actions through history. I have already recommended this book to several...
the bible is way more than a big book of isolated verses to claim for helping oneself spiritually. the bible is the "story" of God's unfolding plan of redemption throughout history, from creation in genesis, and it's fall into sin, and then climaxing in the new creation vision of revelation ch. 21 and 22. This wonderful book shows this story from start to finish and shows how the biblical story of God's salvation unfolds...
This is a marvelous book that everyone in the church would benefit from reading! Written by two professors at Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada, it tells the whole biblical story from Genesis to Revelation as a drama in six acts with an interlude in the middle. In the first three "acts" God establishes his kingdom (creation), there is rebellion in that kingdom (the Fall), and God through Israel initiates...