Michael McBride is a sheltered young man from an Irish-American family in New York City--until the secrets that lie beneath his family's genteel existence begin to crumble under his feet. His flight from the Old World's Unseelie Court will lead Michael far into the wilds of the New. But Magic, Michael will discover, is not something a man can simply outrun.
Midori Snyder's range as a story teller continues to astound me. In this story, mythological elements from Irish, Native American, and Old West sources are woven together into a unique tale of a man on the run. Whether he's running from something or to something is a question both the main character and you keep asking, not to mention wondering what in the world is going to happen next. Another excellent read from an author...
Midori Snyder, who has done wonders with her traditional fantasies, has decided to blend two rather contrary styles. She takes the traditional, down-to-earth stylings of a western novel, and throws in some sensual, and occasionally bizarre, touches of magical realism. Along the way we also get a healthy dose of urban fantasy, as Snyder tells the tale of a young man growing up in 19th century New York who discovers that he...