The Serenade: Comic Opera is a musical play written by Harry Bache Smith and first published in 1897. The story revolves around the character of Carlo, a young Italian musician who falls in love with a wealthy American heiress named Violetta. Carlo is determined to win her heart,...
The Serenade: Comic Opera is a musical play written by Harry Bache Smith in 1897. It tells the story of a young musician named Ernesto who falls in love with the beautiful Rosina. However, Rosina's father disapproves of Ernesto and arranges for her to marry a wealthy nobleman...
The Serenade: Comic Opera is a book written by Harry Bache Smith and published in 1897. The book is a musical comedy that tells the story of an Italian nobleman named Don Pasquale who falls in love with a beautiful young woman named Rosina. However, Rosina is already engaged...