Tana French shows the good side of a grizzled old guy who helps a rootless, hardened kid find someone they love. Why should the grizzled old buy care, he's taken his lumps and just wants to renew himself by working on an old house. This kid shows up hoping to get the guy to help. It takes a while and they clash a bit but they wind up solving a mystery and the kid winds up with someone who actually cares. I liked it. Like in...
It's about a middle aged man leaving his home looking for a fresh start. Honestly I expected more and thought there was going to be a big shocker twist. There really wasn't. I'd say there were a few surprises but not mind boggling, unexpected twists. I honestly figured out the ending before finishing. Just a basic novel. It's average.
No matter how massive our TBR piles get, we're always finding new titles we want to throw on top of them! Here are 24 exciting March releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy right away.
The time has come to pick our favorite books of the year. It’s never easy to choose, but we’ve narrowed it down. Here are our top choices, plus a runner-up, from each of six genres. You can see the full list of contenders here.
As the weather starts to turn colder, there’s nothing like curling up with a good book. The list of titles coming out this fall is packed with must-reads. This week we feature ten new and upcoming books, along with suggestions of what you can read first.